How Much Flooring Installation Cost?

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How Much Flooring Installation Cost?

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How Much Flooring Installation Cost?

How Much Does Flooring Installation Cost?

When it comes to home improvement, installing new flooring stands out as a transformative project that can revitalize the ambiance of your living space.  The most asked question is how much does flooring installation cost? The choice of flooring is a significant decision, impacting not only the aesthetic appeal of your home but also its functionality and market value. This article aims to guide homeowners through the various aspects of flooring installation, highlighting the range of costs and factors influencing them, and providing insights into options available at popular stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, Lumber Liquidators, and Contract Furnishing Mart.

Whether you’re contemplating a sleek hardwood for your living room, a durable tile for the kitchen, or a cozy carpet for the bedroom, understanding the intricacies of flooring installation is crucial. The costs involved in such projects can vary widely, influenced by factors such as the size of the area, the type of materials chosen, labor expenses, and regional differences. This guide will delve into these aspects, offering a detailed overview to help you navigate the process with confidence and make informed decisions that align with your budget and design preferences.

In the following sections, we will explore the cost implications of different flooring types, the impact of geographical location on pricing, additional expenses that might come into play, and the pros and cons of professional versus DIY installation. We will also provide tips on how to maximize your investment in new flooring and ways to save on installation costs. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to embark on your flooring installation project, ensuring a result that not only enhances the beauty of your home but also adds to its value.

Understanding Flooring Installation Costs

Size and Scale of Project

  • Per Square Foot Pricing: The cost of new flooring often hinges on the size of the area being renovated. Retailers like Home Depot and Lowe’s typically charge per square foot, with average prices around $12.50 for common materials. This unit pricing helps homeowners calculate the approximate cost based on their specific project dimensions.
  • Cost Variability: Larger flooring projects might attract discounts as bulk purchases and extensive installations can be more cost-effective for suppliers and installers. On the other hand, smaller projects might incur higher rates per square foot. This is due to companies striving to meet their minimum project cost requirements, making the size of your project a crucial factor in budget planning.

Choice of Flooring Material

Material Costs

The cost of flooring materials spans a broad spectrum, influenced by factors like quality, durability, and brand. At specialty stores like Lumber Liquidators and Contract Furnishing Mart, pricing can be quite competitive. For instance, vinyl flooring, known for its affordability and versatility, often starts at around $2 per square foot. On the other end, luxurious options like high-end hardwoods, which offer timeless appeal and long-lasting quality, can reach upwards of $22 per square foot. This pricing diversity ensures there’s a flooring option for every budget, from cost-conscious renovations to upscale remodels.

Material Types and Their Characteristics:

  • Hardwood (Available at Home Depot, Lowe’s): Renowned for its durability and classic look. Offers a range of species like oak, maple, and cherry. Ideal for adding value to a home, but can be pricey and requires maintenance.
  • Laminate (Available at Home Depot, Lowe’s): A cost-effective alternative to hardwood. Mimics the look of real wood and is easy to install and maintain. Best for high-traffic areas due to its resistance to scratches and dents.
  • Vinyl (Available at Lumber Liquidators, Contract Furnishing Mart): Highly versatile and water-resistant. Ideal for bathrooms and kitchens. Comes in various styles, including luxury vinyl tiles that can closely imitate stone or wood.
  • Stone (Available at Home Depot, Lowe’s): Offers a high-end, natural look with materials like marble, granite, and slate. Durable and unique, but can be expensive and requires professional installation.
  • Tile (Available at Home Depot, Lowe’s): Ceramic or porcelain tiles are durable, water-resistant, and ideal for a variety of settings. Offers a range of designs and is relatively low maintenance.

Considerations in Choosing the Right Material:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: The visual impact of the flooring on your space.
  • Durability and Maintenance: How well the flooring stands up to wear and tear, and the effort required to maintain its appearance.
  • Installation Requirements: Some materials may require professional installation, adding to the overall cost.
  • Resale Value: Certain flooring types, like hardwood, can increase the value of your property.

Understanding the nuances of each flooring type, from cost to practicality, enables you to make a choice that aligns with both your style preferences and functional needs.

Labor Expenses

  • Installation Rates: Labor costs for flooring installation can vary significantly. On average, professional installation might cost between $0.60 to $4 per square foot, depending on the complexity and duration of the project. It’s important to note that these rates generally do not include the cost of materials.
  • Additional Services: The overall cost might also include additional services such as subfloor replacement, removal of old flooring, or furniture moving. Stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot often offer installation services with these additional costs factored in, providing a more comprehensive pricing structure.

This section has covered the basic factors affecting flooring installation costs, including the project’s size, choice of materials, and labor expenses. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in shaping the overall budget for your flooring project.

Regional Cost Variations

The cost of flooring installation is not uniform across the board; it varies significantly based on geographical location. This variation is primarily due to differences in the cost of living, labor rates, and material availability in different regions. Here’s a closer look at how these factors influence flooring installation costs across various U.S. cities:

  • East Coast to West Coast Differences: On the East Coast, cities like Trenton, New Jersey, and Boston, Massachusetts, have flooring installation costs ranging from approximately $1,200 to $4,000. Moving to the South, cities like Miami, Florida, and Atlanta, Georgia, show similar price ranges. However, as we head to the West Coast, cities like Los Angeles, California, and San Francisco, California, Seattle, Washington, Tacoma Washington, Bellevue, Washington  exhibit higher ranges, often starting from $2,000 and reaching up to $6,800.
  • Local Cost of Living: The cost of living in a particular area significantly impacts labor charges. High-cost areas like San Francisco and Los Angeles tend to have higher labor rates, which reflect in the overall installation costs. In contrast, cities with a lower cost of living may offer more affordable installation services.
  • Material Availability and Transport Costs: The proximity to suppliers and transport costs also play a role. For instance, stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s might have varying prices for the same materials in different locations, influenced by transportation costs and local demand.

Flooring Installation Cost by Type

When considering flooring installation, the type of material chosen is a crucial factor that directly impacts the cost. Retailers like Home Depot, Lowe’s, Lumber Liquidators, and Contract Furnishing Mart offer a range of materials, each with its price point and characteristics. Here are some common flooring types and their average costs per square foot:

Flooring Type Average Cost per Square Foot Pros Cons Ideal for Typical Suppliers
Tile $6 – $20 Durable, Variety of Designs Higher Installation Complexity Kitchens, Bathrooms Home Depot, Lowe’s
Hardwood $6 – $22 Timeless Aesthetic, Adds Value Sensitive to Moisture Living Rooms, Bedrooms Lumber Liquidators, Contract Furnishing Mart
Engineered Wood $4 – $16 Moisture Resistant, Affordable Less Durable than Hardwood High Traffic Areas Home Depot, Lowe’s
Stone $6 – $20 Very Durable, Unique Natural Look Expensive, Requires Regular Maintenance Entryways, Patios Contract Furnishing Mart, Specialty Stores
Carpeting $3.50 – $11 Comfortable, Warm Difficult to Clean, Traps Allergens Bedrooms, Lounges Lowe’s, Local Carpet Stores
Laminate $3 – $10 Easy to Install, Scratch Resistant Not as Valuable as Hardwood Family Rooms, Dining Areas Home Depot, Lumber Liquidators
Vinyl/Linoleum $3 – $7 Water Resistant, Low Maintenance Less Durable, Can Fade Bathrooms, Kitchens Lowe’s, Home Depot
Polished Concrete $2 – $8 Long-lasting, Versatile Hard Surface, Cold Basements, Commercial Spaces Specialty Flooring Contractors
Bamboo $5 – $15 Eco-Friendly, Unique Aesthetic Susceptible to Scratching Living Areas, Hallways Lumber Liquidators, Eco-Friendly Stores
Cork $5 – $12 Soft, Thermal Insulation Can Dent Easily Children’s Rooms, Studios Specialty Eco Stores, Online Retailers
A worker Measuring Laminate plank to cut

Understanding these cost variations by type and region can significantly aid in budgeting and planning for your flooring project.

Additional Costs to Consider

When planning a flooring installation project, it’s essential to look beyond the basic costs of materials and labor. Various additional expenses can influence the final price. Understanding these costs is crucial for creating a realistic budget and avoiding surprises during the installation process.

Moving Furniture

  • Service Charges: Some flooring installation companies, including those affiliated with big-box retailers like Home Depot or Lowe’s, may charge extra for moving furniture out of the installation area. This fee typically ranges from $60 to $120 per hour.
  • DIY Savings: To reduce costs, homeowners can opt to move furniture themselves or enlist the help of friends or family members. However, it’s important to consider the risks involved in moving heavy or bulky items.

Removing Old Flooring

  • Removal Costs: The complexity and type of existing flooring can affect removal costs, which generally range from $1.50 to $3.50 per square foot. For instance, tile removal might be costlier than removing carpet.
  • Type-Specific Expenses: Certain types of flooring, like tiles or hardwood, might have higher removal costs due to the labor-intensive process involved.

Subflooring and Underlayment

  • Subflooring Replacement: If the existing subfloor is damaged or unsuitable for the new flooring, replacement costs can range from $3 to $10 per square foot.
  • Underlayment Necessity: Some flooring types, especially carpet and laminate, require an underlayment for optimal performance. This can add an additional $0.50 to $5.40 per square foot to the total cost.


  • Complexity and Cost: Installing flooring on stairs is often more complex and, therefore, more expensive. Costs can vary from $11 to $160 per step, depending on the flooring type. For instance, carpet installation is generally cheaper than hardwood on stairs.

Mold Remediation

  • Health and Safety: If there is mold or water damage under the existing flooring, remediation is essential for health and safety. This process can cost between $10 to $25 per square foot.
  • Professional Services: It’s crucial to engage professional services for mold remediation to ensure proper and safe removal.


  • Protective Coating Costs: Applying finishes like polyurethane, urethane, or wax can enhance the durability of certain flooring types. These finishes typically cost between $0.85 to $7 per square foot.
  • High-Traffic Considerations: For areas with high foot traffic, investing in a finish can be a wise decision to prolong the life of the flooring.

By considering these additional costs, homeowners can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the total investment required for their flooring installation project. This approach helps in creating a more accurate budget and ensures that all aspects of the flooring installation are accounted for.

DIY vs. Professional Installation

When it comes to installing new flooring, homeowners are often faced with the decision of whether to take on the project themselves (DIY) or hire a professional. Both options have their pros and cons, and understanding these can help in making an informed choice that aligns with your skills, budget, and expectations.

DIY Installation

  • Cost-Effectiveness: The primary appeal of DIY flooring installation is the potential for cost savings. By eliminating labor expenses, you only have to cover the cost of materials, which can be purchased from stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, or Lumber Liquidators.
  • Skill and Complexity: DIY installation requires a certain level of skill and understanding of the flooring process. Simple flooring options like laminate or vinyl might be more feasible for DIY, whereas more complex installations like hardwood or tile may be challenging.
  • Time and Effort: DIY projects often take longer than professional installations, especially for those with limited experience. It’s important to consider the time commitment and physical effort required.
  • Quality and Value: While DIY can save money upfront, improper installation can lead to issues down the line, potentially reducing the home’s value or necessitating costly repairs.

Professional Installation

  • Expertise and Efficiency: Professional installers bring expertise, experience, and the right tools for the job. This generally results in a quicker, more efficient installation process with a high-quality finish.
  • Cost Considerations: Professional installation adds to the overall cost of the flooring project. Labor rates can vary widely, but they typically range from $3 to $22 per square foot, including both labor and materials.
  • Warranty and Guarantees: Many professional services, especially those offered by established stores like Contract Furnishing Mart, include warranties and guarantees on their work. This provides added assurance of the quality and longevity of the installation.
  • Hassle-Free Experience: Opting for professional installation means less stress and effort for the homeowner. It often includes additional services like furniture moving, old flooring removal, and cleanup.

Maximizing Your Flooring Investment

Investing in new flooring is not just about enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home; it’s also about adding value and functionality. Making smart choices in selecting and installing flooring can yield a significant return on investment, both in terms of property value and everyday living experience.

Considerations for Material Choice

  • Room Usage and Traffic: The function and foot traffic of the area where the flooring will be installed should guide your material choice. For high-traffic areas, durable materials like hardwood or tile from stores like Lowe’s or Home Depot are ideal, while softer options like carpet might be suitable for bedrooms.
  • Local Climate: In regions with high humidity or frequent temperature fluctuations, materials like engineered wood or laminate from Lumber Liquidators might be more suitable due to their resistance to warping and expansion.
  • Aesthetic and Style: Your flooring should complement the overall style of your home. Specialty stores like Contract Furnishing Mart offer a wide range of options to match any decor.
  • Pets and Children: If you have pets or children, consider scratch-resistant and easy-to-clean flooring options.

Long-Term Value

  • Resale Appeal: Certain types of flooring, like hardwood, are known to enhance the resale value of a home. They are universally appealing and can be a selling point for potential buyers.
  • Durability: Investing in high-quality, durable flooring can save money in the long run as it reduces the need for frequent replacements or repairs.
  • Energy Efficiency and Insulation: Some flooring types offer better insulation, contributing to energy efficiency. Carpet, for instance, can retain heat, while tile can keep the home cooler in warmer climates.

Maintenance and Upkeep

  • Ease of Cleaning: Consider the maintenance requirements of the flooring. Options like vinyl or laminate are easy to clean and maintain, making them practical choices for busy households.
  • Repair and Replacement: Think about the ease of repair and the availability of replacement materials. Flooring that can be easily repaired or sections replaced without redoing the entire floor can be more cost-effective in the long term.

Professional Advice and Consultation

  • Expert Guidance: Utilize the expertise available at stores like Home Depot or Contract Furnishing Mart. Their staff can provide valuable insights into the best flooring options for your specific needs.
  • Samples and Mockups: Many stores offer samples or digital mockups to help visualize how the flooring will look in your home, aiding in making a well-informed decision.

By carefully considering these factors, homeowners can maximize their investment in new flooring, ensuring it adds both beauty and value to their property.

Hardwood Flooring in an apartment

Saving on Flooring Installation Costs

While installing new flooring is a significant investment, there are strategies to manage and reduce the costs involved. By making smart choices and taking on some of the work yourself, you can achieve a beautiful result without overstretching your budget.

Remove Old Flooring Yourself

  • DIY Removal Savings: Homeowners can save up to $3.50 per square foot by removing the old flooring themselves. This can be a substantial saving, especially for larger areas. However, it’s important to ensure you have the necessary tools and skills to avoid damaging the subfloor.
  • Hazardous Materials: If the old flooring contains hazardous materials like asbestos, it’s essential to hire professionals for safe removal.

Move Furniture Independently

  • Avoid Additional Charges: By moving furniture and clearing the installation area yourself, you can avoid the extra charges that professional installers may impose for this service. Enlisting friends or family members for help can make this task more manageable.

Balance Price and Quality of Materials

  • Cost-Effective Choices: While the cheapest flooring option might be tempting, it’s important to consider the balance between cost and quality. Stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s offer a variety of mid-range options that provide both durability and aesthetic appeal.
  • Consider Less Expensive Alternatives: Instead of opting for high-end hardwood, consider alternatives like bamboo or engineered wood from Lumber Liquidators, which offer a similar look at a fraction of the cost.

Bulk Purchases and Discounts

  • Bulk Buying: Purchasing flooring materials in bulk can often lead to discounts. If you’re planning to install new flooring in multiple rooms, buying all the materials at once can be more cost-effective.
  • Seasonal Sales and Discounts: Keep an eye out for sales and promotions at flooring stores. These can be excellent opportunities to purchase high-quality materials at reduced prices.

Compare Quotes and Shop Around

  • Get Multiple Estimates: When considering professional installation, get quotes from various contractors, including local independent installers and larger chains like Contract Furnishing Mart. This allows you to compare prices and services offered.
  • Negotiate Prices: Don’t hesitate to negotiate with contractors or stores. Sometimes, there may be room for a discount, especially if you’re undertaking a large project.

Consider Long-Term Costs and Benefits

  • Energy Efficiency: Some flooring types can contribute to energy savings, reducing heating and cooling costs in the long run. For instance, carpeting offers better insulation during winter months.
  • Durability: Investing in more durable flooring might be more cost-effective over time, as it can reduce the frequency of repairs and replacements.

By adopting these strategies, homeowners can effectively manage their flooring installation costs, ensuring they get the best value for their money without compromising on quality and aesthetics.

Frequently Asked Questions

When embarking on a flooring installation project, homeowners often have numerous questions. Addressing these common queries can provide clarity and help in making informed decisions. Below are some frequently asked questions about flooring installation:

What are the steps involved in installing new flooring?

  1. Preparation: This includes removing old flooring, cleaning the subfloor, and ensuring it’s level and ready for installation.
  2. Measuring and Cutting: Accurately measuring the area and cutting the flooring material to fit is crucial for a seamless installation.
  3. Installation: The process varies depending on the flooring type but generally involves laying down the flooring, securing it in place, and ensuring proper alignment and spacing.
  4. Finishing Touches: This can include sealing the flooring, adding trims, and replacing baseboards if necessary.

What are the benefits of installing new flooring?

  • Aesthetic Upgrade: New flooring can dramatically enhance the look of your home, updating its style and ambiance.
  • Increased Home Value: Quality flooring is a key factor in home valuation and can increase the market value of your property.
  • Improved Functionality: New flooring can also contribute to the functionality of your space, such as providing better insulation or being easier to clean.
  • Health and Allergy Benefits: Replacing old flooring, particularly carpet, can reduce allergens and improve indoor air quality.

How can I choose the right type of flooring for my home?

Consider factors like room usage, foot traffic, moisture exposure, maintenance requirements, and personal style preferences. Visiting stores like Home Depot or Lumber Liquidators and consulting with their experts can also provide valuable insights.

Can I install new flooring over existing flooring?

This depends on the type of existing and new flooring. For instance, laminate can often be installed over vinyl, but installing hardwood over existing flooring typically requires removal of the old layer. It’s essential to consult with a professional to assess the feasibility and implications.

How long does flooring installation take?

The duration varies depending on the flooring type and size of the area. For example, installing laminate flooring in a medium-sized room might take a day, while more complex projects like tile or hardwood can take several days.

Is it necessary to leave a gap between the flooring and the wall?

Yes, most types of flooring require an expansion gap around the edges to accommodate material expansion and contraction due to temperature and humidity changes. The size of the gap depends on the type of flooring and manufacturer guidelines.

These questions represent just a fraction of the considerations involved in flooring installation. It’s always beneficial to seek expert advice and thoroughly research your options before commencing a flooring project.

Conclusion On Flooring Cost

Embarking on a flooring installation project is an exciting endeavor that can transform the look and feel of your home. From the initial selection of materials to the final installation, each step presents opportunities to make choices that align with your aesthetic preferences, functional needs, and budget.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Cost Considerations: Understand that the cost of new flooring varies based on factors like size, material, labor, and location. Exploring options at stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Lumber Liquidators can help in finding the right balance between quality and cost.
  2. Material Selection: The choice of flooring material should reflect the intended use of the space, maintenance preferences, and overall home decor. Whether it’s the durability of hardwood, the comfort of carpeting, or the practicality of laminate, each material has its unique advantages.
  3. Installation Options: Decide between DIY and professional installation based on your skills, time availability, and the complexity of the project. While DIY can be cost-effective, professional installation ensures expertise and efficiency.
  4. Additional Expenses: Be aware of extra costs like furniture moving, old flooring removal, subfloor repairs, and finishes. These can significantly impact the overall budget.
  5. Long-Term Value: Consider how your choice of flooring will affect the long-term value and functionality of your home. Investing in durable, timeless materials can enhance your home’s resale value and provide enjoyment for years to come.
  6. Cost-Saving Strategies: Employ strategies like removing old flooring yourself, moving furniture, and choosing cost-effective materials to manage expenses without compromising on quality.

Remember, new flooring is not just a home improvement task; it’s an investment in your living space. It can rejuvenate an outdated room, contribute to a healthier living environment, and reflect your personal style. By carefully planning and making informed decisions, you can ensure that your flooring project is successful, both aesthetically and financially.

Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or prefer the assurance of professional services, the journey to new flooring is an opportunity to enhance your home’s comfort and appeal. With the right approach, this investment can yield satisfying and long-lasting results, making your home a more enjoyable and valuable space.