Terms and conditions

The estimate provided by Bezruchuk Inc is based on the information and details provided by the customer at the time of the estimate request.

The estimate is subject to change based on the actual conditions found during the project.

The estimate provided by Bezruchuk Inc is an approximation of the cost of the project and is not a final quote.

The estimate provided by Bezruchuk Inc is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.

The estimate provided by Bezruchuk Inc does not include any applicable taxes or permits.

Any changes or revisions to the estimate will be communicated to the customer before work begins.

The estimate provided by Bezruchuk Inc does not guarantee the availability of materials or labor at the time of the project.

The customer is responsible for providing access to the property for the purpose of the estimate.

The customer is responsible for any additional fees or costs that may arise during the project that are beyond the scope of the estimate.

The customer is responsible for reviewing and approving the estimate before work can begin.

Bezruchuk Inc will not disclose any information obtained during the estimate process to any third party.

The estimate provided by Bezruchuk Inc is not a contract and does not guarantee the commencement or completion of the project.

Bezruchuk Inc reserves the right to decline any estimate request at our discretion.

By submitting an estimate request, the customer agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this offer.

Bezruchuk Inc reserves the right to modify or withdraw this offer at any time without prior notice.